This was such an AMAZING day y'all... One of my favorite things ever is seeing two people love each other so much that they make the commitment tying the knot. Makenna & WeiWei allowed me to assist & take timeless photos of their wedding! If I said I didn't have the most fun capturing all the moments during this day I would 100% be lying because WOWOWOW I had the best time as a photographer! Their wedding was an intimate one which really made me appreciate how fun such a special day can be when spending it with the closest people! Let me tell you how the day started... Since the wedding was in DC i had to take an uber and y'all... it cancelled on me 3 times but thank goodness everything worked out just in time for the first look that Makenna & WeiWei wanted! Although it was a very windy day, everything else went smoothly, tears and lots of laughs were shared (oh yes I did cry y'all- I'm so emotional on wedding days!), everyone definitely danced their butts off & the party ended with a bang! Highly suggest you look at the photos of this wedding because oh it surely was a challenge to pick my favorites & the portraits AHH in loveeeee
First look EEK
& they were officially mr. & mrs. Gao!!
I'm sure after looking through the photos you can see how lovely this day was! 
Thank you so much Makenna & WeiWei for having me as your photographer- congrats you are married!!

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